Naas AFC Child Safeguarding Statement
Naas AFC is committed to safeguarding children in accordance with the Children First Act 2015. We ensure all children and young people participating in our football activities are protected from harm in a safe and enjoyable environment.
Organization Information
● Name of Service: Naas AFC
● Type of Service Provided: Sporting activities, specifically football, for children and young people
● Size of Service: Over 700 juvenile members, 50+ adult members
● Activities and Scale: Football training and competitions, including over 25 teams ranging from U8s to Over 35s
Risk Assessment
Here are the risks identified and control measures for Naas AFC, based on the Child Safeguarding Statement model from the document and general best practices.
Risk Assessment (Naas AFC)
We have identified potential risks of harm to children under our care during participation in football activities. The following risks have been assessed and control measures implemented:
1) Risk Identified: Risk of harm including assault, ill-treatment, or neglect of a child in a manner that seriously affects or is likely to seriously affect the child’s health, development, welfare, or result in sexual abuse.
○ Control Measures:
i) FAI Child Welfare and Safeguarding Policy
ii) FAI Concern-Complaint Policy
iii) FAI Rulebook
iv) Safeguarding Training
v) Naas AFC Code of Conduct
2) Risk Identified: Risk of harm when hosting an activity and/or an away trip.
○ Control Measures:
i) FAI Child Welfare and Safeguarding Policy
ii) FAI Concern-Complaint Policy
iii) Safeguarding Training
iv) Naas AFC Code of Conduct
3) Risk Identified: Risk of harm through online abuse, including social media.
○ Control Measures:
i) FAI Child Welfare and Safeguarding Policy
ii) FAI Social Media Policy
4) Risk Identified: Bullying of a child.
Roles and Responsibilities
- Children’s Welfare Officer: Rachael Bramhall 086-0835159
- Designated Liaison Person (DLP): Rachael Bramhall 086-0835159
- Deputy Designated Liaison Person (DLP): Gavin Barnes 087-2255598
These roles are responsible for managing and reporting child protection concerns.
Safeguarding Policies and Procedures
Naas AFC’s Child Safeguarding Statement has been developed in line with the requirements under the Children First Act 2015, the Children First: National Guidance for the Protection and Welfare of Children (2017), and Tusla’s Child Safeguarding: A Guide for Policy, Procedure, and Practise. The following procedures are in place as part of our safeguarding
- Procedures for the management of allegations of abuse or misconduct by staff or volunteers against a child availing of our activities.
- Procedures for the safe recruitment and selection of staff and volunteers to work with children in our activities.
- Procedures for the provision of and access to child safeguarding training and information, including the identification of the occurrence of harm.
- Procedures for reporting child protection or welfare concerns to statutory authorities.
- Procedures for maintaining a list of persons in the relevant service who are mandated.
- Procedures for appointing a relevant DLP.
Display and Availability
This statement is displayed on the Naas AFC website, and provided to all coaches and volunteers.
This statement will be reviewed every two years, or sooner if there are material changes.
- Date of Risk Assessment: November 2024
- Date of Next Review: October 2026